Want help keeping your students engaged? Maybe win some extra money for your arts programs? WE AT DUCOMMUN PROPERTIES WANT TO HELP! We love our community and really want to do something to bring people together in these weird times!
Over $500 of cash prizes will be awarded to the winning school or schools' art and/or theater departments. This may be one grand prize or several prizes, at the discretion of Ducommun Properties and based on how we feel about the submissions received! This doesn't mean to be safe with your acts -- we appreciate a good slumlord satire as well!
Any video of a skit or monologue related to rental properties, tenants, landlords, or the relations therein may be submitted. Humorous outlooks are encouraged! Video will be uploaded to the Facebook post as submitted.
Post will tag the school submitting the video. Any requests for the wording of the post shall be clearly submitted with the video. Hashtags and @ are recommended to aid in finding your school's submission later. Any account that requests to be @ should be following @DucommunProperties in order for the @ to link properly.
Preferred method of submission is through facebook messenger to @DucommunProperties. Alternately, video may be uploaded to https://www.dropbox.com/request/8QRVtDL1B9Qn9Ai7Nir5 Ensure text for corresponding facebook post is also uploaded. Lastly, if you're stuck in the days of dial-up internet and AOL CDs, video may also be submitted via USB memory stick.
If there are multiple groups from the same school with independent submissions, the votes from all submissions will be viewed towards the school's cumulative total. Winning score will largely be effected by the number of likes, shares, and comments received by the videos. Ultimate picking of winners will also be influenced by how much we at Ducommun Properties are entertained by the submissions!
Submissions must be received in their entirety before midnight on Dec 12th. Late submissions may or may not be accepted.
Videos will premier on www.facebook.com/ducommunproperties at 0800 on Dec 14th. Voting by like, comment, and share will continue until Dec 19th.